DSTU, State Standard of Ukraine 8302:2015 (current standard in Ukraine)

You can download standard here

These are the standards required for the bibliography:


Actual from 2016-07-01. This standard establishes the main types of bibliographic references, composition and structure general provisions, as well as the rules for drafting and placement in documents (editions, deposited documents, etc.).

The standard applies to bibliographic references indicated on published and unpublished documents, regardless the information carrier.

The standard is intended for authors, publishers, specialists of media editions, information centers etc.

Citation rules

In-text reference is used when a significant part of the information about the reference object is included in the text of the document. It is used for more convenient text reading, better perception, and saving space in small documents. In-text reference is presented in parentheses.

Footnote references are used if it is impossible or undesirable to place them in the text so as not to overload and complicate the reading. The footnote reference is placed as a note at the bottom of the page (or the text column) separated by the horizontal line from the main text. This reference is associated with the text of the document via the footnotes that are represented on the top line of the font after the corresponding fragment in the text (for example, Text 29) and before the subscript reference (for example, 29 Reference). The footnote characters are separated from the text by a space.

Non-textual references are mainly used in scientific publications in the case of multiple references in order to avoid the re-submission of identical bibliographic records, or because of their large amount, and because of the lack of space for footnote references. Non-textual references are numbered within the whole document or within individual chapters, sections, parts, etc. using continuous numbering (Arabic numerals).


Скидан О. В. Аграрна політика в період ринкової трансформації : монографія. Житомир : ЖНАЕУ, 2008. 375 с.
Serial / journal article (print)
Якобчук В. П. Стратегічні пріоритети інноваційного розвитку підприємництва в аграрній сфері. Вісник Київського національного університету ім. Т. Шевченка. Сер. Економіка. 2013. Вип. 148. С. 31–34.
Electronic resource (remote access)
Ілляшенко С. М., Шипуліна Ю. С. Товарна інноваційна політика : підручник. Суми : Університетська книга, 2007. URL: ftp://lib.sumdu.edu.ua/Books/1539.pdf (дата звернення: 10.11. 2017).